
Image options

When you choose this button, the window “Print parameters” is showed and you can make options according to the selected image.

It is required to select an image that showed in Print preview and not the whole page.

When the selected image is an image of floorplan

Commands and command buttons

Show: activate or deactivate options to show or hide the items in the print of floorplan.

Options: show or hide the description and dimensions of items and walls in the print of floorplan.

Antialiasing: this option is deactivated when you have already printed the floorplan.

ÏÊ: save the changes and close the window.

¢êõñï: cancel the options and close the window.

When the selected image is an image of perspective or elevation

Commands and command buttons

Show: activate or deactivate options to show or hide the items in perspective or elevation.

Options: you can print linear. Also, show the description of items and walls in perspective or elevation.

The option “Print descriptions” is activated only if you have selected an image elevation.

Antialiasing: activate antialiasing to show the edges and tops of items smooth.

Also change the quality of antialiasing by moving the pointer right or left.

ÏÊ: save the changes and close the window.

¢êõñï: cancel the options and close the window.