
Panorama of the floorplan

This command allows you to show or hide the panorama of the floorplan from control panel of 1992 Enterprise. In this window you can see panoramic the floorplan of the project.

When the active window is floorplan

From the tool box of panorama you can move the floorplan.

In details, the floorplan is moved:
Up left on the screen
Up right on the screen
In the middle of the screen
Under left on the screen
Under right on the screen

You can move or the floorplan. Press left click to catch the marker and move it into the floorplan.

From panorama of the floorplan you can move or rotate the camera to perspective, choose wall and show the perspective or elevation etc.

When the active window is perspective

Ìove camera: left click, you can catch the marker of the camera and move at any direction that shows better the perspective.

Rotate camera: left click, you can "catch" the marker of the camera and rotate at any direction that shows better the perspective.

Select wall: you can choose any wall that you want to rotate the perspective.

When the active window is elevation

Press left click, you can select any wall in order to show it in elevation.